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In Celebration of Women!!!

Well this Blog Recruitment Theme is Celebrating Women. Well last I checked (although some may beg to differ) I am not a woman. So I have decided to dedicate this blog post to celebrating the women in my books. Now some of you might think this is going to be a promtion of my books and plays, but I have different plans.

You see, without the women that have been a consistent influence on my life, I would not have any female characters in my books and plays (at least none with the depth and development that my characters have).

I have often been caught saying, "In all of fiction there is some reality" As a fiction writer, I am often asked how I come up with my characters. The answer to that is - from real life! People ask if I model my characters from certain people and the answer to that is - not exactly.

I have the distinct pleasure of playing Dr Frankenstein when I develop my characters. I get to take the appearance of one person, the tenacity of another and the personality traits of yet another and put them all together. How much fun is that!

I was raised in a single family home with my mom and my sister. Bless their hearts, they gave me plenty of material to choose from. I could sit back and observe and easily come up with 30 different characters depending on the day.

Many people that know me and my family members can easily see them in both my plays and my books (for example Brittany and Monica in the Vendicatori books) But make no mistake, there is a little of each of them in all my other female roles as well.

Then I can move on to female writers. I have read the gambit from Anne Rice to Sarah Stuart and Elaine White (Two featured authors on this site). They too are a tremendous inspiration for my writing as I find techniques and examples to follow to make my writing better.

I have a dear friend who is a theater actor and director. She directed me in several plays over the years where I had the unique opportunity to see the different aspect of female roles in various plays. This too was an influence as I was able to look deeper into the psyche of the woman.

So I could go on for days giving you examples of influential women in my life, but I think you get the point. So I say this, "Thanks to all women for being there." After all if it wasn't for women. none of us would be here.

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