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Welcome to John Howell

This is the third day of my 4Wills Publishing "His revenge" Launch Weekend Blog Tour. Thank you for joining me and I also want to thank my host for being kind enough to allow me the use of the post.

His Revenge is the story of John Cannon's wish to somehow make the mastermind behind terrorist activities affecting him to pay for his crimes. Although this wish, it not overly far fetched it proves more difficult for John to accomplish than he imagined. As a matter of fact, the revenge John envisions is proving Matt Jacobs guilty of murder and terrorism. He knows matt is behind the killing a friend of his and sinking his boat. This simple wish is nowhere near the level of revenge his nemesis has planned for John. Both Matt and John are seeking revenge from the other. Who will succeed and who will fail?

The story behind His Revenge is really a look at two sides of the coin. On the one side, we have an antagonist Matt Jacobs, who firmly believes he has a mandate from his god to do all he can to disrupt Western civilization. On the other we have a protagonist John Cannon, who is just as firm in his belief that Matt is a criminal and needs to be brought to justice.

When theMatt Jacobs and John Cannon meet they try to convince the other that their side of the coin is the wrong side. No matter how Matt justifies his view John thinks he is wrong. In the same vein, Matt dismisses John's point of view as being off the mark. With two equally impassioned points of view, it is not hard to imagine the discussions taking place while they are together. Although Matt and John make no progress in convincing the other of the righteousness of their position it finally comes down to who has the most power over the other as to who's cause is right. Matt Jacobs is not above blackmail and intimidation and uses these tools effectively to make John an offer he can't refuse.

John has the choice to either join Matt and help him meet his destructive goals or stand by while thousands of innocent people including himself and his current relationship are murdered.

His Revenge is available on Amazon and KDP Select

About John J. Cannon

John Cannon is a lawyer from San Francisco who decides to take a leave of absence from the firm to pursue his passion which is to become a charter boat captain. He has taken up residence in a small South Texas coastal fishing village. Since his arrival, John has been entwined in terrorist schemes to destroy symbols of America's greatness. In the book My GRL he bought a boat of the same name only to see her used as a weapon. His latest story His Revenge has John once again pitted against those who are out to harm America and specifically to kill him. John is not a superhero and does his best to cope with the situation over which he has little control.

About John W. Howell

John’s main interests are reading and writing. He turned to writing as a full-time occupation after an extensive career in business. John writes fictional short stories and novels as well as a blog at John lives on a barrier island in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of south Texas with his wife and spoiled rescue pets. He can be reached at his e-mail, Facebook or Twitter at @HowellWave

My GRL the first John J. Cannon thriller is available on Amazon and wherever e-books are sold

If you are interested in a tour or other services to support your writing contact 4Wills Publishing

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