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Back to School Book & Blog Block Party

Welcome to the Official Site of

Marc Estes and the Vendicatori Series

Before we get started, I would like to take a moment to remember all of those we lost on this date in 2001. It was not only a loss for the USA, it was a loss for the world. Never forget...

Congratulations to Maurice Miller, winner of the FREE book cover design from Snow Leopard Publishing !!!

The Vendicatori Series explores the lives of two rival families, the Correos and the Staveros. The Correos are an upstanding family that want to bring justice to the world with all of their money and power. The Staveros, on the other hand, would prefer to do things just a tinge off color as corruption and greed runs through their veins.

With twists and turns at every corner and subplots that will keep you wondering until the end, the Vendicatori Series is an award winning series that has been given rave reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, and the US Review of Books.

And now, until the end of SEPTEMBER, 50% of the ROYALTIES for EITHER or BOTH of the Vendicatori Series will be donated to the TREVOR PROJECT, helping LGBTQ Youth find peace and self acceptance in their lives.

On September 12th, 2015 at 12 CST I will also be honored with an interview on RRBC's Blog Talk Radio Show, BEYOND THE COVER. I invite you all to tune in and learn more about the Vendicatori, future books and other fun things you probably never knew about me. Feel free to ask questions.

Here is the link to the show. Don't miss it!

When mysterious strangers arrive at the home of Andrew Correo, they provide him with life changing news. He learns of the Vedicatori, a secret organization established by his ancestors, an organization he now has the chance to inherit control over. In order to gain this control, he needs to compete with Robert Stavero in a global scavenger hunt. They must search for four illusive crystals that, when brought together, will tell them their final destination. Also in Edson, Monica Correo is planning a wedding to her love, John Weaver. With the wedding so close to Halloween, the pair decide to have a masquerade ball for the wedding reception. It will be an event no one in Edson will ever forget. With just a clue and limited guidance, both Andrew and Robert set out on their secretive journey. For both, the path leads to mystery, suspense, and self-discovery. As Andrew looks forward to his future, while putting parts of his past behind him, Robert grows greedy and develops a love for deception and hate. The hunt brings them through the ruins of Teotihuacan to the Eternal City and its history, but who will have the cunning to come out on top?


Picking up where Four Pieces For Power leaves off, Andrew continues to delve deeper into the world of the Vendicatori, more secrets from his past shake his present. A mysterious woman has somehow escaped the Vendicatori compound. But were they holding her as a prisoner, or for her own safety?

The Stavero family is now even more focused on revenge and the downfall of the Correos. Magda Stavero takes the reigns and is ready to be more evil than Robert ever dreamed of being. With her granddaughter, Kayla, at her side, she is given the chance to infiltrate Edson from afar and begins to unravel her plan for vengeance.

Now John, a newly added member to the Correo family, is starting to ask questions as Andrew becomes more elusive. A recent clue leads him down a path he cannot return from. A path that may provide more questions than answers.

As Dominic and Ramos scramble to find their missing guest, she is about to arrive in Edson, and become a revelation that no one saw coming. Is she a friend or a foe? Will Dominic and Ramos find her before she reveals herself? Are the Staveros behind her "escape", or are they merely using it to their advantage?


I am pleased to announce my next Series​:


Book 1:The Ultras

Small tremors are shaking the earth. Is it normal tectonic shifts? Or Something else?

A mysterious woman walks the streets. She has the power to do virtually anything with her mind. Is she some type of Super Human? Or something else?

What if the world you thought you knew was only one of billions? What if every decision you made formed another dimension where another you made the choice you decided against? What if Hitler won WWII? Or wild animals were the more intelligent species.

Grayson Taylor, a recently released parolee, is introduced to the eccentric Dr. Pangloss by his friend Peter. As skeptical as ever, Grayson finds it impossible to believe the stories Dr. Pangloss is telling about the earthquakes and other worldly dimensions. Impossible until he sees it with his own eyes.

A dark and sinister woman begins to cause havoc and destruction to whomever gets in her way. Is she there because of the quakes? Is she there to help control them? Or is she there to bring even more devasation?

Watch for the release of 33 and the next chapter of the Vendicatori Series in Spring of 2016

As this block party is to celebrate RRBC and its authors, I urge everyone, that is not a member, to join this group today!

Also, this site has many RRBC members showcased in the blog area as well as the RRBC area you can find in the menu at the top of the screen. I encourage you to take a few minutes to explore this incredible pool of talent. Who knows, you might find a new favorite author to follow!

If you would like to learn more about RRBC and it's authors, simply click on the image below and check it out.

Finally, I am excited to announce the launch of my new publishing company:

Snow Leopard Publishing

I invite each of you, author and readers alike to see what Snow Leopard has to offer. Members of RRBC will get a 20% discount on all services until the end of the year! We are adding new things to the site regularly so I encourage you to check back often. You can go to the site by clicking on the logo above.

Thanks for visiting! Don't forget to leave your comments.

I'll see you at the next stop on the #RRBC Back to School Book and Blog Block Party!

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