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Can't We All Just Get Along?

Its not often you will see me get on here and rant about politics or how flawed the government is, and there is a reason for that. I DO NOT like to judge people. I mean, I guess its human nature for us to judge a little, but when it really gets right down to it. I get out of bed the same way as everyone else and I yes I even fart.

A very close friend of mine once told me the best way to get to know people is to just observe. You can learn a lot, and that is just what I have done. It is a fascinating science to observe people. You see people's strengths and weaknesses better than most. And most important, you realize you are really no different from the guy next door.

Chuck Coleson from the Watergate years once spoke about the difference between prison inmates and the correctional officers that "guard" them. He said the only difference between the two is that the correctional officers just hadn't been caught yet. Now, was he saying ALL officers are bad? No. What he was saying is we all make mistakes and we are all humans with flaws.

I am a writer. I like to think I'm a pretty good one, but when it comes to fixing cars, I literally have a difficult time figuring out how to pop the hood on my Ford Escape. Does this make me a bad person? I'd like to think not. It just means that someone is better at fixing cars than I am, and I might be better than some people who try to write.

So what is the point I'm getting at? I know a lot of you are just itching to get offline and watch the summer reruns, so I'll get to it. YOU are no better than anyone else and NO ONE is any better than you. You just have different skills and personalities that make the world go around. So who really cares if someone is a different color? Who really cares if someone is gay, straight, or transgendered? I'll tell you who, the people who haven't figured all this out yet.

As soon as society realizes that EVERYONE is special in their own SPECIAL way, I hope they will begin to realize that if we can all just get along, the world would work perfectly like a well-oiled machine. We would accept each other and embrace our differences. We could learn from each other and advance together as one human race.

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